I’m studying Applied Physics (Hons.) with Microelectronics
as my minor at Islamic Science University of Malaysia (USIM). During Semester
VI and VII, the students are required to writing the dissertation as the
requirement for the graduation. I wrote the thesis entitled ‘Seismic Seiche
Detection using Global System for Mobile communication (GSM) Module’. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Azwani Sofia bt Ahmad Khiar became the coordinator while Dr. Affa
Rozana bt Abdul Rashid became my lecturer supervisor. And this is
my experience writing the thesis.
To prepared the students for the dissertation, for my course
we must taking Honours Seminar and Research Methodology subject during Semester
V. I didn’t understand what was the differences between these subjects. Simple
to say that Honours Seminar prepared me for the thesis viva voce and
Research Methodology prepared me for the thesis writing. These subjects didn’t
require me to sit for the exam, just present my work with a team of several
friends during the class. During Honours Seminar class, 7 friends and I writing
report about ‘Time Evolution’ with Dr. Ernie Suzana bt Ali as our supervisor
while during Research Methodology class, 3 friends and I writing journal
entitled ‘Marital stress: A survey among the middle-class people in Nilai,
Malaysia’ where we need to distributed the questionnaire to the people as the
data for analysis. Surprisingly, my Research Methodology journal became the
best article in the class and will be recommended to be published at any website journal !
Thesis during Semester VI was all about the proposal. Meant
that I must initiated the dissertation by having a title, a lecturer
supervisor, and some sketch on how to doing research during Semester VII later.
Selecting a supervisor was done during the end of Semester V. After the first
meeting with Dr. Affa, I suggested to wrote about ‘Tsunami Detection via
Wireless Alert System’. The idea to choose this topic came from a senior thesis
entitled ‘Automated Flood Control System using Radio Frequency (RF)’ where he
placed a detector on one side and a siren on the other side, connecting these using radio frequency module. Based on my
experience during Semester V, I took a month to prepared the thesis proposal
where I must read a lot of related internet articles to put in Literature
Review topic of the thesis plus some suggested circuit implementation I found
in the internet to put in Research Methodology topic.
It was time for thesis proposal presentation. 2 examiners
(actually they were the supervisors to other friends’ thesis) will saw for my
stand before letting me to doing the experiment later. After the presentation, quite
disappointed I felt because they want me to change the dissertation title as my
suggested circuit looked impossible to become the efficient tsunami detector. A
month more I spent to re-initiate my thesis proposal with a new title, ‘Seismic
Seiche Detection using Radio Frequency’. This title ensured me to use the same
circuit as the seiche effect is not aggressive as tsunami impact and the people
have a time to run after the circuit sirens.
The university set the allocation for every student was
RM500. For USIM microelectronics and engineering student, the nearby places we
could got the electronic component were a shop at Seremban, Negeri Sembilan and
shops along Jalan Pasar, Pudu, Kuala Lumpur. If you know any shop that sold
electronic parts and chips near Nilai, Negeri Sembian, please inform me.
Arduino Uno
LM7805 voltage regulator
LM358 IC
BC548 transistor
Piezoelectric Sensor
230V AC to 5V AC Transformer
Piezoelectric Buzzer
16x2 LCD display
Light Emitting Diode (LED)
5k Variable resistor (VR)
Ceramic capacitor (22pF, 0.1μF)
Electrolytic capacitor (10μF 16V, 100μF 25V)
Resistor (100E, 330E, 2.2kΩ, 5.6kΩ, 10kΩ, 33kΩ, 100kΩ, 1MΩ)
Actually, the table shows the final materials and equipment
that I used to build my circuit. I also bought RF module, encoder and decoder
integrated circuit (IC), 9V batteries with its holder, bridge rectifier,
crystal oscillators, switches, and ATMEGA microcontrollers. I bought these
components based on what I had seen on the internet. The GSM module formerly
was an additional part to my circuit before it became core when RF failed to
install while about Arduino I just bought without knowing it could replace
ATMEGA microcontroller.
The installation began during early Semester VII. I’d spent
my semester holiday by reading Arduino book, but nothing progress. Blurred with
what happened, my friend suggested me to attend an Arduino workshop. Although
the workshop doesn’t help me too much, the workshop gave me initial leap
advice, “The easiest thing to get the code is just copy-paste from the
internet.” From the basic knowledge I got from the workshop, I struggled
searching Arduino code related to my project for weeks. Furthermore, this
workshop convinced me to use GSM module because they told that the price for
Machine-to-Machine (M2M) SMS is less than the standard charges. So, I kept
ATMEGA microcontroller as it was not in use, and just utilizing Arduino Uno
easily. The dissertation title now became ‘Seismic Seiche Detection using Radio
Frequency and GSM Module’.
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Arduino Hands-on Workshop organized
by MyDuino at Shah Alam, Selangor.
To filled up Research Methodology topic of thesis, first I
decided to test the circuit in terms of efficiency. Both the transmitter and
the receiver circuit were supplied with the voltage ranging from 0-5V. The readings
of efficiency were taken from an encoder data output pin and a decoder input
pin using the multimeter, same as what the senior did in his thesis. Next, I
tested the minimum working voltage for the GSM module, the Liquid Crystal
Display (LCD), and the buzzer to function properly. Later, I tested the maximum
communication for the RF signal to travel from the RF transmitter module to the
RF receiver module. These tests should be done by running the circuit during
‘high seiche’ and/or ‘earthquake’ stage, where the buzzer will be siren.
However, I still couldn’t get the Arduino code during this time, but data were successfully
collected. Just supply the power source without running the circuit.
Input Type Triggered from the Sensor
GSM Module SMS Text
Low Seiche
(Low + Medium) Seiche
(Low + Medium + High) Seiche
Vibration + Low Seiche
Vibration + (Low + Medium) Seiche
Vibration + (Low + Medium + High) Seiche
The condition when GSM module texted
Input Type Triggered from the Sensor
LCD Display Message
Low Seiche
(Low + Medium) Seiche
(Low + Medium + High) Seiche
Vibration + Low Seiche
Vibration + (Low + Medium) Seiche
Vibration + (Low + Medium + High) Seiche
The condition when LCD displayed
Input Type Triggered from the Sensor
Vibration + Low Seiche
Vibration + (Low + Medium) Seiche
Vibration + (Low + Medium + High) Seiche
The condition when the buzzer buzzed.
The thesis viva was near, but I have some function
problems with the RF module, the encoder and the decoder IC. Idk why, eventually
I managed to remove these parts from my circuit. Removing these meant that I’d
lost a lot of data for Research Methodology topic, plus Literature Review topic
become lesser making my dissertation thinner. Removing also caused my thesis
changed its title to ‘Seismic Seiche Detection using GSM module’. Then, the
only test left for Research Methodology topic was the minimum requirement
voltage for the three electronic devices. By this removing, I have to replace
with long copper wire to connect the detectors to the Arduino, and I found the
code for this type connection. Hence, the circuit was successfully functioning
but in not my expectation. You may help me to fix the Arduino code for
connection ‘HT12E -> RF Tx -> RF Rx -> HT12D’ in comment column.
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The circuit was under test in the laboratory. Actually, the installation process was at my home. I only came to the lab to did what I cannot did to the circuit at home. |
Viva voce date came. For my case, I needed to present
to the same examiners who examined me during the proposal with the circuit available.
This year, as the government cut the university’s allotment, we had an
alternative to print the poster in 8x A4 paper instead of A1 because the paper cost
cannot be claimed. Now, guess what happened? The 2 examiners thumb up my
project! The appreciation not only came from those 2 lecturers, but also from all lecturers who had visited my board. They also gave some recommendations which will be useful for who
wanted to develop my projects later, i.e. my juniors. One of the recommendation I would like to share with you is implement a lot of this circuit along the coast of Sabah and Sarawak for weather broadcasting rather than seismic detection because the South China Sea wave is strong there.
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I also included verse 41 from Surah al-Rum in the presentation since I know the examiners liked Nash proof. |
Now it's time to hardbound. Printing shops nearby university offered the service of hardbound the thesis expensively. So, I decided to did it at shops nearby Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Serdang, Selangor since they offered the service cheaply, including the laser printing in a short time! Total cost of 3 copy of my thesis was almost RM50 less RM3. After filled-in some forms, I eventually sent 2 copies to the thesis coordinator while I kept the remaining one for remembrance.
Semester result displayed. I got 'A' for this subject! I was shocked because my pages was thin and there were little format errors in my writing. 'Thesis' is also a subject, then you must score this as it could increase your grade point better than other subjects that contributed much to the semester's Grade Point Average (GPA). Since it has 6 credits, getting 'A' for this subject brought 24 grade points rather than other subjects that have 3 credits which brought 10 grade points.
My chief course lecturer, Dr. Azman bin Hashim @ Adnan really liked my project. He seriously wanted me to continue this such project by pursuing further studies in Master. Btw, during the time when this post was composed, I having internship in a company that utilized Arduinos. If the company wanted to spared me as worker in the end of the internship, I hope that he could accepted my condition. Verily, there was not only one way to contribute to the development of Arduino in Malaysia. But, I still kept in my mind to further studies until I grab Doctor title in future for some reasons I perforce to took it perhaps.
Semester result displayed. I got 'A' for this subject! I was shocked because my pages was thin and there were little format errors in my writing. 'Thesis' is also a subject, then you must score this as it could increase your grade point better than other subjects that contributed much to the semester's Grade Point Average (GPA). Since it has 6 credits, getting 'A' for this subject brought 24 grade points rather than other subjects that have 3 credits which brought 10 grade points.
My chief course lecturer, Dr. Azman bin Hashim @ Adnan really liked my project. He seriously wanted me to continue this such project by pursuing further studies in Master. Btw, during the time when this post was composed, I having internship in a company that utilized Arduinos. If the company wanted to spared me as worker in the end of the internship, I hope that he could accepted my condition. Verily, there was not only one way to contribute to the development of Arduino in Malaysia. But, I still kept in my mind to further studies until I grab Doctor title in future for some reasons I perforce to took it perhaps.
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Correct me if I am wrong. Politely please.